This tool provides a list of commonly received ICD-10 codes from Ordering Physicians for our tests at AccuReference Medical Laboratory. It can serve as a helpful reference, but please be aware that it is not exhaustive. For a comprehensive listing, please consult an ICD-10-CM manual which can be found here.

It is essential for the ordering physician to take responsibility for providing the accurate diagnosis code(s) based on the patient's signs and symptoms for the specific date of service. Third-party payers require ICD-10-CM codes relevant to the service date to support the medical necessity of the test(s) and/or profile(s) ordered. Therefore, physicians are encouraged to submit all medically appropriate ICD-10-CM codes when ordering laboratory testing.

Please also note that some ICD-10 codes are not coverable as a primary code and must be provided alongside some other primary symptom or diagnosis code. These secondary diagnosis codes are marked in this tool with the symbol.

Please refer to the ICD-10-CM manual for more information about the coverage requirements of various diagnosis codes.

The information provided by AccuReference is intended solely as a customer service and should not be construed as an endorsement or discouragement for the use of any specific diagnosis code(s). It is imperative that the diagnosis information is appropriately documented in the patient's medical record.

Commonly Covered DX Codes